Friday, August 5, 2011

Best physically feeling instruments?

Well, I haven't played many instruments, but I have played French horn and flute. For me, French horn really fun to play, and when you get the note just right the whole instrument resonates with it. It also has a beautiful sound and is extremely versatile. Meaning you can play a hauntingly beautiful melody, but also an obnoxiously triumphant fanfare. Though it will be hard and require a lot of work, it'll pay off. I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for. Buzzing is probably more physically satisfying than just blowing, like you do in flute, so maybe try a brass instrument (the horn is my recommendation), or maybe reed instrument, like clarinet. Stringed instruments also seem to be very physically accommodating, especially violin, though if you're looking towards tone as well, I'd probably recommend cello. It also depends whether or not you'll be playing in an ensemble, and what parts you'll get to play.

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